3 fast ways to find the best Product Designers on Dribbble
1/ X-Ray search on Google
You can the same technic as here, but this time applied to Dribbble. You can try commands like :

As usual, should you need to
- Add a skill, you only need to add “Mobile” for example to the command
site:dribbble.com -inurl:(followers|type|members|following|jobs|designers|players|buckets|places|skills|projects|tags|search|stories|users|draftees|likes|lists) -intitle:(following|likes) -"Hire Us" “Mobile”
- Add a city, you add “San Francisco” for example
site:dribbble.com -inurl:(followers|type|members|following|jobs|designers|players|buckets|places|skills|projects|tags|search|stories|users|draftees|likes|lists) -intitle:(following|likes) -"Hire Us" “San Francisco”
- Exclude a keyword like a skill, use the “-” option. For example, if I want to exclude iOS, it’ll be site:
dribbble.com -inurl:(followers|type|members|following|jobs|designers|players|buckets|places|skills|projects|tags|search|stories|users|draftees|likes|lists) -intitle:(following|likes) -"Hire Us" -"iOS”
Lastly, say that I am also looking for a rock star designer. To avoid empty profiles and improve quality, I want profiles with liked shots between 1000 and 10 000. You can then use the Numrange (..) function and type the following in Google’s search bar:
site:dribbble.com -inurl:(followers|type|members|following|jobs|designers|players|buckets|places|skills|projects|tags|search|stories|users|draftees|likes|lists) -intitle:(following|likes) -"Hire Us" "logo" "Liked Shots 1000..10000”
2/ Use the Designer Search section

With criteria fields like
- Full-time or Freelance
- Keyword search
- Specialities
- Location
- Experience Level
- Salary range
- Previous company
- Current role
3/ Subscribe to the Designer Search plan
A bit like LinkedIn, Dribbble now let designers give more information about their profiles (experiences and work history, current role, education, and skills), and with the subscription plan you can have access to this database and filter it with precision. This premium subscription costs $299 a month.

Did you know ?
When using Crew, you can source candidates from Dribbble, LinkedIn, GitHub, or any platform with just 1 click, thanks to the powerful Chrome extension. No more manual data entry. You can even then enrich the info, before sending multi-channels sequences (automated messages and follow-ups).

Ready to boost your productivity?
Crew is the next-gen Talent ATS/CRM built for recruiting agencies and executive search.