5 tips to source software engineers on StackOverFlow

5 tips to source software engineers on StackOverFlow

1/ X-Ray search on Google

You can the same technic as here, but this time applied to Stackoverflow. You can try commands like :

2/ Use stack Exchange Data Explorer

Luckily for us, Stack Overflow data is available for free on Stack Exchange Data Explorer. Developer Shane Gryzko wrote a very helpful post where he talks about how you can use the data explorer.

Shane recommends using an SQL query he prepared himself. All you need to do is type in any location and any valid tag in the search menu.

4/ Find Stack Overflow Users In Your City

Find StackOverflow users in your city (=LocationName) with their score for one particular skill (=TagName) using the Stack Exchange Data Explorer.

Find Stack Overflow Users In Your City (with user-links) With Their Score For One Particular Tag - Stack Exchange Data Explorer

5/ Start Filtering the results

Stack Overflow profiles have these pieces of information available to other users:

  • Username,
  • Bio,
  • Location,
  • Website,
  • Member since,
  • Link to Twitter profile,
  • Reputation,
  • Question asked,
  • Other profiles,
  • Profile picture,
  • Tags contributed to,
  • Information about their activity – i.e recent activity.

Here are some tips on things you can do with that information available to you:

  • Search for their real name by visiting their website or Twitter
  • With their real name, look for their LinkedIn profile
  • Discover their side projects – they are often provided in the “website” section.
  • See what they’re currently working by checking their most recent asked questions. Could be a great way to get inspiration for your icebreaker when crafting your cold outreach.
  • Their top skills – these are typically reflected by top tags in their profile.
  • Reputation points
  • Badges – There are Stack Overflow badges for pretty much everything (here is the complete list), and are in 3 categories.
    1. Bronze badges. Bronze badges are awarded for basic use of the site.
    2. Silver badges. Silver badges are for experienced users who regularly use Stack Overflow. More uncommon than bronze badges, but attainable if you're dedicated.
    3. Gold badges. For the most committed users. They reward the most difficult feats; you’ll have to not only participate in the community but be skilled, knowledgeable, and dedicated to earn these.

Did you know ?
When using Crew, you can source candidates from LinkedIn, GitHub, Dribbble, or any platform with just 1 click, thanks to the powerful Chrome extension. No more manual data entry. You can even then enrich the info, before sending multi-channels sequences (automated messages and follow-ups).